Hi. I’m Katy…

…and I don’t drink alcohol anymore.

However, I don’t feel like that’s what defines me and I don’t label myself as an alcoholic. I simply got sick and tired of being sick and tired, so I don’t do it anymore.

Since this brand is specifically about alcohol and how we can be more inclusive, I WILL tell my sobriety story and share with you all the juicy details, but not in my first introduction to y’all. I’ll save that for another post you’ll have to stick around for.

So, here’s the nitty gritty of me:

I am in my early 40s, married to my husband Dale with two kiddos, 3 dogs and a ridiculous number of farm cats. We live outside Cross Plains, Wisconsin (which is just about 10 minutes from Madison) on an 8 acre slice of heaven. Together our family owns and operates 6 businesses:

  • Specialty cut flower farm

  • Solid Surface Countertop Installation & Fabrication

  • Woodworking

  • Wine Bar

  • Coffeeshop

  • Ice Cream & Candy Store

  • And now, I guess, a Mocktail & Cocktail brand.

So 7.

We are self-employed to the max and love every second of it. We have the most amazing staff working with us and certainly appreciate that we could not function without good people supporting us.

A few things you should know about me:

I am a worker.

Ever since my first job as a bank teller in high school, I’ve loved to work. In my earlier years, it wasn’t money that motivated me but the look and feeling I got when I did my job well which, to me, meant someone walked away from our interaction happier or more satisfied than they were before. Even a little. That’s my motivation for pretty much everything still.

I have worked a lot of jobs and it’s always fun to list them off for anyone who doesn’t know me:

Bank teller, bartender, waitress, hot dog/concessions stand agent, Junior College Basketball statistician, Junior College Athletic Department agent, Special Education para-eduator, Audio Visual Technician, Soldier: Flight Operations Specialist in the Wisconsin Army National Guard, Veteran, quilt shop agent and sewing instructor, website designer, social media manager, marketing manager, flower farmer, BodyPump, yoga and cycling instructor, wine bar owner, barista/coffeeshop owner, landlord, ice cream/candy store owner and now blogger.

It’s a long list but many family members and friends, and now you, know that’s not the end of it.

If you’re wondering, I do not have a Bachelor’s degree. I have a certificate in Web Page Design from 20+ years ago; the rest is just a love of lifelong learning.

I am full of ideas.

Like shitter’s full-full. On any given day I have a variety of business, product, article, creative, remodel and DIY ideas. I’ve gotten better about paring them down in to something that’s actually worth my time and energy…smarter not harder and all that, but not all the time. I have enough crafting project supplies to stock another Michael’'s in my attic and Pinterest boards FULL of Dream Homes, Dream Businesses, Dream Vacations, Dream Organization, Dream Pools, Dream Dogs and a note pads full of book titles for the future book I haven’t started.

I am a lover of pretty journals and I love a good blank calendar, however, if I write in them the wrong way (wrong pen color, date, time, skip a page), it must be burned immediately.

I’ve turned introverted.

In my younger years, I couldn’t wait for the next party. The more the merrier. Since I’ve quit drinking though, I realize I am quite content alone or surrounded by small pockets of quality humans. I still love a good party, and like to throw them even more, but I’m better about saying goodbye when the time is right rather than sneaking out with an “Irish Goodbye”. These days, you can find me walking, reading, writing, lifting weights, drinking coffee all day, watching a series or taking a nap…when I’m not running 3 businesses and mothering 2 children that is.

Day 1 vs. Day 365

I am the happiest I’ve ever been in my life.

No one gets to their early 40s unscathed. Me included. We’ve had our share of trials and tribulations. My parents divorced when I was 14, I am a battle-tested veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, I am married, I’ve birthed two children, I’ve grieved for friends and my father-in-law, and if you know anything about grief, it’s a fickle thing, and overcome an alcohol dependence that could have been my absolute destruction. And yet, I am more at peace, more content, more healthy and more happy than I have ever been.

I work hard but also hardly work because I LOVE all my jobs. I’m in a place right now where almost EVERYTHING I’ve ever asked the Universe for is in my lap. Everything. And these days I’m spending my time and energy on people, places and things that bring me joy.

Writing this, and sharing my story while also making it a little better for those that want to change their relationship with alcohol, either today, tomorrow, never or forever, has brought me so much joy already.

Thank you for being here. I can’t wait to see how this unfolds.


Hi. I’m Bridget.