I’m Gonna Quit Drinking

Day 1

So, what does Day 1 look like for me?  Do I just stay home all day and night to avoid temptation all together?  Should I crawl into my bed and stay there until Halloween? I mean, you could. And to be quite honest, I did that. Sometimes I’d just lay in my room, nap, take a bath, eat some junk food and go back to bed.  But, over the next few weeks I’ll be over here giving you suggestions about how to make this experience enjoyable rather than a total drag.

This is all dependent on how you much you are drinking, and I’m not counting, but the next 10 days you might feel like shit. Physically, emotionally maybe spiritually. I had about a thousand day 1s and whenever I made it to Day 11-ish I felt so much better. Just know, it might get worse before it gets better. 

What the hell Katy?  You promised better sleep and more energy and I feel like a truck hit me. Yah. I know. Sorry ‘bout that. It’s just gonna be that way for a bit. Just think of it as your body dumping all that shitty sugar. 

Here’s what I know for sure.  This might not stick for you this time. It’s okay. You might get to Day 2 and be like, ah, no thanks. Fine. 

  • You’re not a failure.

  • You’ve not lost some contest.

  • I’m not over here shaming you with my index fingers, tsk tsk tsk. 

  • You can just start again the next day. Progress over perfection and all that.

We’re bucking tradition here; it’s not that easy to go against the grain. So, just give yourself a break. Self-flatulence will not get you anywhere except in a worse position than you are right now. 

Okay, I’ll jump off my soapbox now. 

One task for today:

Find some paper, your new fancy journal, a napkin, whatever, and write down your “why’s”.  Why do you want to take a break?  There’s a reason, probably more than one.  Find them and write them down.  You’ll be happy you did on Day 31.

Tomorrow I am going to share some resources with you; apps I used to help me through my first few weeks.  Stay tuned.

Let me know how your Day 1 went.  Or if you have any questions or need some help!  I’m just a reply away!

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