How to have a ‘Sober Curious’ October

Sober Curious is the new buzz phrase and we’re gonna jump on that wagon (get it? 😂 )

This is just an introduction to what Sober October is and a little preparation before October 1st.

The easiest way to have a successful Sober October is to look at this as a positive experience; giving your mind and body a break from the booze. Committing to a month alcohol-free can be an enjoyable and, dare I say, fun experience if you let it.

You don’t have to be an everyday drinker or have a “problem” to take a break from drinking. Maybe you had a summer filled with boozy boat rides, wine Wednesdays and patio partaking. Or maybe you would just like to sleep through the night, or have a little more energy in the afternoon or for 563,452 other reasons. It’s really none of my business, or anyone else’s, WHY you’d like to take a break. You just do.

So, let’s just start there. I’ll go first.

My name is Katy. I decided to quit drinking, for good, August 30th, 2021. It’s been a little over a year; I suppose if I looked on my app I could tell you how many days exactly, but to be honest I stopped counting a while ago. I had a thousand Day 1s. A thousand mornings with my head in my hands vowing to never drink again, until 2:00pm would roll around when the hangover wore off and the bewitching hour came at 5. Rinse and repeat for years. Then I changed my mindset and I truly have had the most amazing year of my life.

Enough about me.

Let’s talk about how to prepare for a Sober October.

Tips to Prepare for a Sober October

Embrace Your Decision.

One of the most empowering things you can do is to make the decision to enjoy this month away from alcohol because it’s the right thing for you.

There is a whole world of support and encouragement ‘out there’ but if you want to really take a break from alcohol, this must be a commitment, a promise, you make to yourself. If you decide to give it a try, really make the decision that no matter what happens you won’t take a drink for the whole month of October, it takes away all the questioning and indecisions. The chatter will stop and it will make it so much easier. Trust me.

Be Prepared.

I am going to give you permission to do or get a few things that will make your first few days a little more enjoyable.

  • Buy a new journal/notebook.

  • Pick up your favorite non-alcoholic beverages; soda, fizzy water, n/a beer, juices, coffee or teas.

  • Lace up your tennies.

  • Stock up on treats.

  • Download some apps.

I’ll give you some more info about how you’re going to use these things in the next few days, but getting caught unprepared is a real bummer.

Again, trust me.


Move that body. Listen, this isn’t a weight loss program, not that you won’t probably lose some bloat, but giving up alcohol for a month is not a get-skinny-quick kinda thing (again, trust me on this one). However, you’re going to find some time you didn’t know you had and having a plan to get moving will help.

Get Yo’ Ass OUTSIDE.

October is beautiful just about everywhere. You don’t have to go for miles-long hikes every day but get outside for at least a few minutes a day. If that means you just stand in your driveway with your hands in your pockets and breathe, cool. If you stand there with your coffee and watch the sun rise, or with a non-alcoholic beer and watch it set, amazing. Just be intentional about getting outdoors.

Okay. That’s about enough for today. I’ll be back tomorrow with the rest of the prep list, but that should get you started.

I’ll be posting here every day for the next 30+ days so you can ‘favorite’ our Blog or to make it easier, you can join the Sober October email list below. I’ll be adding all information to both!


I’m Gonna Quit Drinking


Everyday All Day