Play It Forward

Playing it forward.

I would say most of the world would agree that Monday is the least favorite day of the week. Back to the grind they say.

But, now, Monday is literally my favorite day. (You can want to punch me in the throat; it’s okay. I get it.)
For a few reasons:

  • I’m not hungover, or nursing a two- or three-day hangover. I did love a good Sunday Funday in my drinking days; a good Bloody for the “game”, Chili, beer, brats, cheese, more beer but piled on top of a Saturday night out and an end-of-the-week Friday episode, Mondays sucked. Bad.

  • I like routine. Mondays bring at least a few days of routine back around; kids off to school, at least a few hours in front of my computer playing catch up, meal plans, etc. Plus, I’m not hungover.

  • Monday is my self-appointed self-care day. In the first few weeks of my sobriety, I designated Mondays as my self-care days, mainly because I hated them so much (for reasons above) I needed a reason not to. Now, whenever I can, I make all my acupuncture and massage, nail and hair appointments, trips to the gym/sauna/steam room, face washing/exfoliating and any other “scaping” my body needs on Mondays. Plus, I’m not hungover.

  • I changed my attitude about Mondays. It was really just a mindset shift, after a few weeks of not being hungover.

Try it Mikey. You might like Mondays.

We made it through the first weekend! (If you didn’t, no biggie. Go back and read why it’s not a big deal. No time like a Monday to start!). Most of us equate the weekend with relaxing or socializing or both. Getting through those first hours without alcohol can be tough, so give yourself a pat on the back. I’m high-fiving you from here.

Today’s topic is Playing It Forward.

I had never heard this phrase until I started listening to the Over the Influence podcast. The idea is that when you reach for that glass of wine, bottle of beer, crystal glass of ice, you look to the future and “play it out”.

IF you take the drink of alcohol: What do the first few sips taste like? After the initial buzz, what then? Another glass? Will all the things you want to do tonight get done? Will you sleep well? How will you feel in the morning? Now, what would happen if you don’t have the alcohol? Play that out too. Same questions; different answers? This is harder than it sounds when the temptation strikes, but it can work.

You’ll notice I said ‘drink of alcohol’ rather than just ‘a drink’. Obviously, Bridget and I are huge proponents of non-alcoholic options. I still believe that “having a drink” is a sensory experience that goes beyond what is going on inside your glass. It can be a ritual that brings people together or enhances a moment alone; it just doesn’t HAVE to be alcohol. You can choose another option. The habit of pouring the wine can be the ritual/habit that actually calms you down before you ever take a sip. There’s science behind all of this, but I barely passed General Chemistry so I’m not your girl here. There is LOADS of information about habits around alcohol on the internet. Google it.

As you move through your day, you may find that you’re thinking about that drink come happy hour time. It’s normal. Your mind may be telling you you deserve a drink; you made it through the weekend after all. Maybe there’s no real reason, you just notice this afternoon you’re starting to think about a drink. Again, pretty darn normal. I encourage you to play it out. If you have that journal handy, write it out. It might be something interesting to look back on tomorrow morning.

Happy Monday! Please let me know if you have questions, need additional advice or want to tell me about your weekend. I’d LOVE it!

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