Zero.Zero ABV vs Zero.Five ABV
Sobriety Guest User Sobriety Guest User

Zero.Zero ABV vs Zero.Five ABV

If you’ve been searching the alcohol-free section of your favorite local liquor store (hopefully they have one) or been scrolling through the endless AF (alcohol-free) sites online, you’ve probably noticed that many non-alcoholic products contain a little alcohol - up to 0.5% ABV (alcohol by volume).

How can something be non-alcoholic and also contain a “little” alcohol?

Good question. We’re going to try to lay it out here so you can make your own educated decision on how you feel about it.

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Meditation 101
Sobriety Guest User Sobriety Guest User

Meditation 101

Meditation 101.

The first step to meditating is to just try it. And by “it” I mean sit in a chair or lie on your back, inside or outside, or in any comfortable position; I’m not watching, and breathe.

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Must Read :: Quit Lit
Sobriety, Resources Guest User Sobriety, Resources Guest User

Must Read :: Quit Lit

5 Must-Read Books

You don’t have to be on a complete sobriety journey to enjoy a good memoir. The following are books that I have enjoyed over the years. Some are sciencey, others are funny, others, not so much. If you’re trying to soak up some time in the evenings, these might help!

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Play It Forward
Sobriety Guest User Sobriety Guest User

Play It Forward

The idea is that when you reach for that glass of wine, bottle of beer, crystal glass of ice, you look to the future and “play it out”.

IF you take the drink of alcohol: What do the first few sips taste like? After the initial buzz, what then? Another glass? Will all the things you want to do tonight get done? Will you sleep well? How will you feel in the morning? Now, what would happen if you don’t have the alcohol? Play that out too. Same questions; different answers? This is harder than it sounds when the temptation strikes, but it can work.

You’ll notice I said ‘drink of alcohol’ rather than just ‘a drink’. Obviously, Bridget and I are huge proponents of non-alcoholic options. I still believe that “having a drink” is a sensory experience that goes beyond what is going on inside your glass. It can be a ritual that brings people together or enhances a moment alone; it just doesn’t HAVE to be alcohol. You can choose another option.

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Starting Over…And Over.
Sobriety Guest User Sobriety Guest User

Starting Over…And Over.

Maybe Day 1 wasn’t a total success in your eyes. Maybe you had every intention but the Badgers were on, you had a party to go to, there was a wedding. Whatever. Even if you didn’t go alcohol-free yesterday, Sober October is more about changing your relationship with alcohol than it is TOTAL perfection. For us perfectionists, that’s a hard sip to swallow. But, there’s no reason to throw in the towel just yet. Even if it wasn’t perfect, the though likely crossed your mind and that’s all we can ask for.

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